16 February 2013


Early morning, I stepped out of my warm room to the dew-covered lawn to pluck flowers for puja. It was icy with 4o C temperature.  As I took my hands out of my cozy jacket pockets, they brushed against an unclean surface. My fingers had been sore due to cold, and the very thought of washing them with freezing water sent shivers down my spine. But one can't make offerings with unclean hands. I clenched my teeth, picked the hose and put my hand under the running water, ready for the bitter jolt. To my utter surprise the water was warm and gentle. I realized it was the municipal water supply and probably freshly tapped from ground.
My eyes brimmed with tears. Here I was, accepting some pain to serve Lord and how He was reciprocating by saving me that torture. The warmth of that water was overflowing with the infinite love and mercy of Lord. I could feel His care and benevolence.  The bleak moments of my life shone with the light of His grace.
I picked up a rose and offered to Lord Gopinath at the altar. He smiled. And I realized He was there, watching me, His estranged son.


  1. HariBol.prabhuji, Many times we feel ourselves silly and humbled by his Magnificient Grace
