07 April 2012

Elements of Nature

Elements of Nature that Remind of God

The reddish golden glow of dawn reminds me of the color of Shrimati Radharani and Lord Caitanya.
Fanning sun rays that pierce the clouds appear like arms of Lord ready to embrace.
The mighty rivers with their gentle currents beckon me like mothers. 
The baby-powder like soft mud of holy dhams pampers my feet as though I walk in the lap of Supreme Mother. 
As the breeze rustles the tree leaves and lightly caresses me, I remember the words of my spiritual master, "When a cool breeze blows in Vrindanvan, it means Lord Krishna is embracing you."
 The trees in Vrindavan with 'Sri Radhe' and 'Sri Krishna' written on them seem like age-old friends. Early morning or in dark evenings, when no one watches, I embrace them. A divine feeling of shelter and love of God enters with in me as I press my heart to theirs.

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