07 April 2012


Life begins and ends here.
I sit and watch,
As the cycle of life moves all around me.
People are born.
They grow.
And they come here when diseased.
I move, and wait
And sometimes give medicines.

They see me and smile,
 Hoping I will bring
Some good news for their suffering relatives
At times I do have good news.
Then they heal and leave.

Sometimes to heal,
I have to wield a knife.
Cut the diseased part,
 Scoop out the pus and pour in the medicine.

At times I witness the hands of time,
Winding up the final few moments of someone’s life.
I can’t do anything but stand by and pray.

Sometimes the sheer aspect of suffering is overwhelming.
A frail old woman
Living alone and helpless,  
Comes to me,
Brutally assaulted by her greedy neighbors
who leave her to die.
All for a piece of gold.

A young lass of fifteen,
who lost consciousness, while bathing,
due to poisonous gases emanating from her gas geyser.
She lay comatose on the floor,
Her skin being scalded
by the overflowing hot water.
She is still sleeping, her limbs are stiff like wood.
I go in to her room with my senior.
We check her eyes, arms, and legs.
We pinch to see if she can wince or move or cry.
In days she does.

Her mother has watery eyes.
“How is my baby, doctor?
When will she talk?
When is she going to get up?”
The doctor looks out of the window.
“She has a long way to go.”
He touches the corner of his eyes
 and sniffs.

Is he a stone?
You may ask.
 He is not, my friend.
 He has a heart.
But if he cries,
He will not be able to work.
He still has to bring a smile to your lips
—his next patient.


I stand before You
O Lord!
Bereft of all my possessions,
prestige, name, fame,
good qualities, glories,
money, knowledge, slickness.

My sores, stigmas,
scars, dirt, sickness,
ugliness, stench, slackness,
are all open before You.

I am Your child
O Lord!
But for You
I have no shelter.
I come before You
and confess my sins.
I beg for Your mercy.
Please accept me.
I have no qualification
to seek Your shelter.
Yet I come before You
Shame faced yet shameless.
Full of hope that
You alone can lift me
and restore my soul
to its original position-
a particle of dust
at Your lotus feet.

You are the greatest healer.
Heal my soul O Lord!
By Your divine touch.
By Your kind embrace.

Forgive me please
and keep me with You.
Let my mind not waver
from Your service
from Your lotus feet.
Let it be here
Next to You.
Near You.
My Sweet Lord
Thank You for Your shelter


Elements of Nature

Elements of Nature that Remind of God

The reddish golden glow of dawn reminds me of the color of Shrimati Radharani and Lord Caitanya.
Fanning sun rays that pierce the clouds appear like arms of Lord ready to embrace.
The mighty rivers with their gentle currents beckon me like mothers. 
The baby-powder like soft mud of holy dhams pampers my feet as though I walk in the lap of Supreme Mother. 
As the breeze rustles the tree leaves and lightly caresses me, I remember the words of my spiritual master, "When a cool breeze blows in Vrindanvan, it means Lord Krishna is embracing you."
 The trees in Vrindavan with 'Sri Radhe' and 'Sri Krishna' written on them seem like age-old friends. Early morning or in dark evenings, when no one watches, I embrace them. A divine feeling of shelter and love of God enters with in me as I press my heart to theirs.

Time and Waves

Time and Waves


Time and waves
They come over and sweep me.
My hair fly off my face.
I shut my eyes as invisible fingers
run through my hair and
caress my cheeks.

As the cold wind embraces me
I feel Your love, O Lord.
I experience Your kindness and warmth
in that cold touch.

As my mother would plant her moist lips on my forehead
I feel Your kiss on my head
You hold me tight, as my father would do.
And You pat me on the back.

I am Your boy.
I know.
I feel Your love
in Your kind compassionate eyes
and those loving glances.
You smile on seeing me
and You talk.
You hold my hand as I falter

You set limits You feel I should not cross
even as I want to do so.
Because I am rebellious
and confused.
You raise the walls.
Not like in a prison with boundaries
But with sweet bonds of love.

You whisper Your messages
That reverberate in my heart.
And You speak through my friends and strangers,
who say different words
but their message is the same:
'Hold on! Don't give up.
Fight. Stay!'

I give up my rebellion for now.
I open my arms
and rush in to Yours
For the deepest, loveliest
warmest of all hugs.

Thank You Lord
I am Yours.
You are mine