02 July 2014

Holy Patients

One night, during my night duty in ICU, an 65 year old man arrived with a history of fall from scooter in the morning. Now he had severe pain in the left groin and weakness in the left arm and leg. He had a stroke few months back and weakness in the right side.  Suspecting a hip injury and a re-stroke, I ordered the required scans and came out. His sons were sitting on a couch in the corridor. As I crossed them, one of them called out, “Excuse me doctor!”
I turned. “Yes.”
“May I know which path you follow?”
“Well, I follow ISKCON…Gaudiaya Vaishnavism.”
They smiled. “We are Goswamis of Radha Raman Temple, Vrindavan. Hope you have heard about it.”
I was floored. Here in Amritsar, in this God-forsaken hospital, at dead of night, amidst all the chaos of sick patients, of all people I run into Goswamis of one of the seven most important temples of Vraj!  Phew! My lucky day.
We had a long conversation that night and many more in the coming days in which we discussed about Lord, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Shri Gopal Bhatt Goswami-the founder of Radha Raman Temple, to whom the Deity of Radha Raman ji appeared. They told me that their service comes once every two and a half years, for ten days, during which they give up their worldly duties and stay full-time in Vrindavan.
The next day, I again met their father and out of reverence pressed his good leg. He lovingly protested but I persisted. He told me that he served in the Indian Air Force. “I was posted in Leh for some time,” he said. “it was very cold and everyone said that I would have to drink liquor and eat meat to survive. But I said no way. I took two kg almonds and some ayurvedic medicine to help in digestion and metabolism and managed to live at sub-zero temperature.”
He described that his younger brother was a full time Bhagwat Katha speaker and his uncle is the current head Goswami of Radha Raman Temple. The most amazing thing was that he had met Srila Prabhupada in 1962. “Face to face…Just like I am talking to you, I spoke with Srila Prabhupada.”
My hair stood on end.

It was a wonderful experience discussing Krishna katha and associating with a wonderful Goswami family. I am sharing a shayan darshan video of Radha Raman ji, given to me by the family. Please hear the nectarine flute played by their guru ji.

click here for the video:

01 May 2014

Forget it

Life has been a roller-coaster ride past few years. After eight long years of living as a monk, I changed ashram with the blessings of my Guru HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj in Jan'11. Got married to a wonderful devotee and a very compassionate soul, Parijata DD. Joined post graduation in Family Medicine and began my new life.
Things were difficult. At times impossible. Somehow by Lord's mercy I am still surviving . 
I hope to move forward and begin serving Krishna in some way. I read "Seed of  devotion", a devotional blog by my God-sister Bhakti Lata DD, and got inspired to begin writing after a gap of almost one and half year. My index finger is bandaged due to a small surgery for an infected nail. So typing is difficult. Yet I try.
 Here is a gem of an advice from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj to maintain peace in relationships. This is an excerpt from a talk he gave before my marriage. Trust me it works.

 "Srila Prabhupada explained there is a simple formula to resolve the differences we have. The formula is two words – Forget it . That means all these things we disagree with and everything else and all of our different conditionings and desires - they are not important. The only thing that is important really is the higher principle of why we are together. 
The ego says, "I am right, you are wrong." As long as you think that way, you make no spiritual progress. And if you have children, you will ruin the mentality of the children when they feel that in your house. (You should think) Somehow for whatever reason, we are married and I have made vows and you have made vows to keep Krishna in the center. And we have to tolerate our differences. And we have to forgive each other for our transgressions. And we have to unite with honour, respect and affection on this higher principle of seva--service to Krishna, service to each other, and as a team of husband and wife, service to humanity and all living beings. "

HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj blessing us on our marriage