16 February 2013

Leave Godmen Accept God

At any given time in India, there are a number of holy men claiming to cure all by their mystical powers. However, a similar miracle man is now in the news for all the wrong reasons. First the media and now the police are accusing him of spreading superstitions, charging money for his cures, and cheating. On the other hand his faithful followers swear by his magical powers.
What is the truth? Does this miracle baba have the ability to see the past, predict the future, heal the sick and give mercy through his supernatural powers? Or is he a crook?
Our answer may surprise you. He might possess supernatural powers, as many others like him do. Mystic powers that are beyond you, me, and modern science do exist. Srila Prabhupada explains: There are eight kinds of yogic perfection (siddhis): aëimä, laghimä, präpti, éçitva, vaçitva, mahimä, präkämya and kämävasäyitä. A real yogé can become smaller than the smallest, lighter than the lightest and bigger than the biggest. Whatever he wants he can produce immediately in his hand. He can even create a planet. (Teachings of Lord Kapila Verse 13 purport)
So what?
Does it make these people god? No. God is God, the supreme controller, enjoyer and proprietor, the most beautiful, the all-attractive—Krishna.
But then why do people decide to turn to these godmen and not God? Lord Krishna explains this psychology in Gita 4.12, “Men in this world desire success in fruitive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods (or these godmen). Quickly, of course, men get results from fruitive work in this world.” Nothing wrong here, we may feel, it’s a simple case of demand and supply. But surprisingly, Lord Krishna calls this approach less intelligent (Bg 7.20). Because there is catch—these boons and solutions are temporary, barely lasting for a while. They are not eternal and surely not powerful enough to help us cross the cycle of birth and death.
If we are sick and we eat some magical ash, we may find benefit. But if this simple cure turns us into swooning followers of these miracle men, we are in for a rude shock. Either their powers will dwindle or being mere mortals, they will have to succumb before the all-powerful time and death. What, then, will be our shelter?

Surrender to Lord Krishna
If we are still in awe of these mystic powers, let’s see how Srila Prabhupada responded to such cases. (Following is a paraphrased version). When told about someone’s mystic feats like levitation, he dismissed them by saying that even cockroaches fly (TKG’s diary July 26). When someone charged money for giving mantra or mercy, he asked, “Why not give it free?” (Los Angeles, February 18, 1969). When someone claimed to be god, he asked, “When there is some tooth pain, you go to the doctor, and you are God?” (Mumbai, April 11, 1974) Srila Prabhupada’s point was simple—instead of surrendering to these fallible miracle men, surrender to Krishna. Krishna is infallible. He is yogeshwar, the master of all yogic powers and the original source from whom all these powerful personalities derive their power.
Therefore the Bhagwatam implores us to be prudent and  turn to Krishna, “A person who has broader intelligence, whether he be full of all material desire, without any material desire, or desiring liberation, must by all means worship the supreme whole, the Personality of Godhead” (SB 2.3.10).
But we may have our doubts. “Will Krishna free us from our terrible sufferings?” Lord Krishna may remove our miseries like these miracle men or He may not, but He will surely make us strong enough to bear them. One may also have reservations due to apparent lack of direct access to Lord Krishna. But thanks to a mentorship process prearranged by Lord in the Gita (4.2), we can access His wonderful teachings through His bonafide representatives. These spiritual masters can guide us to live a holistic and harmonious life even in these turbulent times. The process is simple—a mindful meditation on the holy names of the Lord: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare  Rama Rama Hare Hare. You can chant this mantra anytime, anywhere, anyhow. It can deliver us from this world of miseries and take us to Vaikuntha, the place of all peace and love.
Try it. It’s free.


Early morning, I stepped out of my warm room to the dew-covered lawn to pluck flowers for puja. It was icy with 4o C temperature.  As I took my hands out of my cozy jacket pockets, they brushed against an unclean surface. My fingers had been sore due to cold, and the very thought of washing them with freezing water sent shivers down my spine. But one can't make offerings with unclean hands. I clenched my teeth, picked the hose and put my hand under the running water, ready for the bitter jolt. To my utter surprise the water was warm and gentle. I realized it was the municipal water supply and probably freshly tapped from ground.
My eyes brimmed with tears. Here I was, accepting some pain to serve Lord and how He was reciprocating by saving me that torture. The warmth of that water was overflowing with the infinite love and mercy of Lord. I could feel His care and benevolence.  The bleak moments of my life shone with the light of His grace.
I picked up a rose and offered to Lord Gopinath at the altar. He smiled. And I realized He was there, watching me, His estranged son.